Blogs Imported

New site!

Hi guys!

as you can see our new site is up and running! This is the first big update since we opened and a lot of stuff changed. More stuff is planned, but for now take a look around and tell me what you think!

(L) Mark

32 replies on “New site!”

Awesome job Mark! Loving it. :)

Off Topic: Where have the rest of the smileys gone to?

Also, I thought Ex-Staff were given VIP? :o

Hm... I agree that it's cool, the way it looks like ex. Apple([i]product[/i])-buttons :P
I wondered if the old layouts came back [i](and worked with the new widgets ect.)[/i] or something. Just need to get into this "new page" :P

Cool with user profiles! Hope we can get pictures ex.?


De lay-out is tof! Ziet er goed uit. Alleen de plaatjes mogen van mij een duidelijker kader. Ze zijn nu een beetje kaal


Everything is different as youre logged in :S i can't describe it, maybe i should take a screenshot okay? give your e-mail adress ;D

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