Imported News

New Me page!


I just logged in on and i saw a new über nice Me page!

35 replies on “New Me page!”

Op deze manier vraag je toch gwn van je bezoekers of ze willen stoppen? -.- Nogmaals: WAT IS ER IN HEMELSNAAM MIS MET DE OUDE? Niks! Deze update slaat echt 3 maal nergens op...

Honestly with this new page will touch and look at the Minimails send from the client and news, where are they? ...

It looks really good and simple. I hope they move the mailing system in client with a new console or something. Search-function is in client already.
I also hope for actual news + community returning!!

Looks nice, although I don't like it ._.
Because I went on to the .se habbo, and because there are no ads on the homepage, they have no planted ads as the top of the client which disappear after 5 seconds.
Shame on you Habbo ;'(

I think it looks more organized, but now the mini mail is gone along with people online and group messages.

umm stop whining LOL, this is heaps better. Remember when they moved everything OUT of the client and everyone hated it? the minimail thing was messy as hell on that page....

They broke the communication between the habbos and the news ♥ :'(
And what were they thinking having news in that tiny, pity Streamer? That is so small that you can't write so much as the news can made. Jiiiiss!

Lazy staff at swedish habbohotel >_>

I think it was accidentally put at It is clearly not complete because it's not at Habbo.COM... the news don't work neither on the front page nor in client. So they'll probably going to complete it first before implementing it in other hotels.

Looks ugly imo. The article thing takes up half the space, when it should (if any) really be the avatar or the hotel button.

Ik like this so much!
The old page was so... old. Not up-to-date anymore.
I like the new style of the news :)
Good work!

Rumors say that they have removed the forum because the Swedish media criticized the safety on the forum.
The news may have been deleted because since February there is only one Habbo Staff at the Swedish hotel.

You can still reach the news by (and reach articles by links from the stream)

Otherwise, The swedish hotel is a community that's going down (like the most swedish communities). Dropped from 2,5k active users from around 1k in one and a half year! This is becouse all these retros, it currently excists a fully swedish retro that IS BIGGER than the ''real hotel'' when it comes to users online.

This is coming to .com

I spoke to ubergergely (Development - Software Developer) and this will come eventually. Just have patience.

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