Imported News

New Horse Achievements

ACH_HorseRent1 - 10

badge_name_fb_ACH_HorseRent=%realname% is a level %roman% Stable Master/ Mistress
badge_desc_fb_ACH_HorseRent=%realname% has successfully let others ride their horse %limit% times!
badge_name_ACH_HorseRent=Level %roman% Stable Master/ MIstress
badge_desc_ACH_HorseRent=For allowing others ride my horse %limit% times!

In, new update in the catalogue. (Build 1159)

By: Renato57, Youn and AbobadoPT :party:

16 replies on “New Horse Achievements”

I miss how was the Test hotel now its Habbo ES. When are we going to get the New build. I wonder what the next build will be like. Push furni? Push and Pull users? I would love to see that. OH and Moderator tools but not Moderator tools. What i mean by something like a moderator tool is a room control pannel with out having to press buttons. If someones having trouble in the room and the owner or something with rights is there. The user can open the help tool thingy. and Click \"Call help from the current room\" From this little tool the owner or someone with rights will hear 3 beeps and that will be something like \"I having trouble with this or your wired furni is not working right. and with this little room mod tool. You can also set how long you want to ban a Certain user from the room. Theres two ways to get this done. Ones the quick way and ones the long way you can click the user and their name is automaticly in the ban from rool tool or if your feeling like you just wanna type then you can just type their name in and set how long their ban from the room is and a message to go along with it. You don\'t have to put in a message. Maybe I should get a Job with Sulake its a big big world out there for Habbo!

[quote=N14703] No we didn\'t? Lol.

[url=]New furni found[/url] - added last week

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