Furni Imported News

Pet Monster Plant

New pet: Rare Monster Plant and new codes

[\"rare pet16\",\"Rare Monster Plant and starter food\",\"\"]
[\"a0 pet16\",\"Monster Plant and Starter Food\",\"\"]



19 replies on “Pet Monster Plant”

You could go find and upload them, Jume? :D The Puhekupla team can do that, can they?

// As VIP here, I can in my comments... although I don\'t make use of it.

-As, owsh. Uh! Lol, Pidy (A habbo friend) is also online xD

True, in Habbo.swf has one array with all pets (released and not released)


Thibaut Zimmer I spent 5 minutes before by e-mail of Sulake, before posting on your twitter.

If you\'re +VIP, then there\'s more buttons. One of them is image...
ex. like [bomb]

I\'ll try to log on later and show.



Hi, As online.

Here\' an example of \"[i][ímg=][/i]\"

Wush, great?


New toolbar [only on hotel view when you log in? The \"H\" doesn\'t do anything yet though. If you go into a room it\'s gone and if you go back to hotel view it\'s gone too. Only when you log in it appears!]


~Sean111 - Ex Puhekupla Staff

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