Imported News

The return of Habbo X: \"HabboCM\" - UPDATE

Today, Paul La Fontaine was on talking to all the other Habbos. He revealed that the project \"Habbo X\" would be back, under another name: SuperHabbo.

To be a SuperHabbo, you must:
- Be 13 years or more,
- Have a certain playing time,
- A good reputation,
- Spent time helping others,
- Have spent time in other Habbo\'s rooms.

What will they do?
- Habbos can report directly to the team
- Create and observe new competitions

- If you received a ban that was not fair, you will have a bigger chance of having it revoked,
-You can put forward ideas to the SuperHabbo team and they will be reported to Sulake.

He talked about other things too:
• A new trading system will be used - giving information on the dealer/seller and comments for them to make it safer,
• Trax will not return, and nothing will replace it,
• A new filtering system may be developed and used,
• A button to block unwanted users could be developed,
• New skin tones and clothes will be coming soon,
• New Wired will be coming soon,
• The Infobus probably will not return,
• VIP Will be changed to make it available to more users,
• New tools for groups could be coming soon,
• A Habbo app could be developed for iOS and Android.

Paul later Tweeted today that the name will not be SuperHabbo or HobbaX, it will now be known as HabboCM (standing for Habbo Community Management)

Thx Café Dourado

Youn and MOCZ

Thanks to Tweeney for translating the article to an understandable state of English.

21 replies on “The return of Habbo X: \"HabboCM\" - UPDATE”

V How can it be the best thing that has ever happened when it hasn\'t happened yet? But I agree, it sounds awesome.

I would much prefer it if you [b]DID NOT[/b] remove my little mention for correcting your crap English.

I\'m from 2004 from i\'ve got one ban for flooding spaces ( )
Wow... i want to be HX.

... Will they remove the \"Create event\"-thing in habbos rooms and only allow it to \"HabboCM\"? or..?

It\'s a bit confusing still, I hope you\'ll find more information that can clear this.
And ofc., more images <3!


New updates from .BR from Paul:

- Everyone will have a chance to be HabboCM\'s
- Fresh start with bans is coming! (Except stealers)
- Habbo Mobile coming in 2012.
- Launching a new game in March & June
- Some new mobile titles with partners!
- Habbo might go HTML5 to support all browsers such as PS3.
- Not flying horse, but horse with wings
- Contagion is an idea, not a game
- One game is designed by UK Company, very detailed
- Wobble Squabble - probably not right now
- Battleball we are looking at to maybe update
- We are looking at pricings more acceptable
- Rares are not going to end.
- We are not going to do that vip pricing for games again
- HabboCM\'s will do contests
- Habbos that help mods will be HabboCM\'s naturally
- HabboCM will be like events-moderation staff (they also get to answer cfh\'s)
- Looking at Supersavers
- Easter will see a lot of changes
- Horse will get updates
- Button to select all friends in console might come
- Bots in shop? Dunno
- New game style of snowstorm (again???)
- \"new games are going to make you very happy\"
- no promotions for staff but for everyone
- new rares in the future
- Gloves might come to clothes
- Customizable clothes - maybe
- No news on amusement park room
- bringing back public rooms!!!!!!!!!!
- Not able to exchange badges
- Illumina will be out in 3 months!!

Other things Paul said for teh lulz:
Paul is a noob! - said so himself. x)
He became CEO because he was at Disney and understood games
Sulake will not fail

hope it never happens. it is even a worse idea now than it was before. only a way for some to think they are better and they basically do nothing and I doubt the best people will even be chosen for it.

[i]Sean111: [/i][spoiler] [quote=N14851] [/spoiler]

Great information, I really hope the things with bots, gloves and HOPE that it will be VERY kewl with ex. your own quests ect. THAT would be great. I\'m actually making my own giant event xP...

Uh, what kind of surprises will wait in easter?
:3 But cool!


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