Imported News

BUILD 1195

In new build new images were found:

15 replies on “BUILD 1195”

I think it\'s the new quests.
A new design? Maybe achievements total...?

Uh, and update the 1006th news (remember to check if the information in the comments is true, idk...)!


Oh, yeah! :D I remember the old times... beware, your weightless pixel-figures! Hehehe...
[spoiler][b]Wush, make public spaces return![/b][/spoiler]


It is true. :) Paul did a \"Habbo Tour\" so he could visit all the hotels and get ideas not just .COM. Decided to visit and thats the info I got. .NL I missed so, unsure of the other hotels too. :(

Wobble Squabble isn\'t returning!

But 2 new games are coming in this month (March) & in June! =)


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