Imported News

Twitter in Habbo Client

On March 19, the @Ediotti posted on his twitter a new Recepetion. Today we find images of Twitter.


5 replies on “Twitter in Habbo Client”

Uh, cool... 2 things:
[b]1[/b] - When you move the mouse over the icons/buttons, then they should get another image or something... I don\'t think they\'re just shadowish...
[b]2[/b] - Urgh, but... when you own a Habbo account, that doesn\'t mean that you own a Twitter too. Twitter is only for \"more popular\" peoples, of what I know. So it\'s not the biggest help to everyone, just more like Habbo Steam-thingthing...


I guess they placed Twitter INSIDE the client so you can follow the last features or updates from Sulake/Habbo. This is very helpfull and you can even follow them IF you have a Twitter-account. ;)

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