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Habbo council badge


15 replies on “Habbo council badge”

Wouldn\'t the #1 priority of the design of the badge be that it\'s distinctive? This isn\'t. The \"C\" is hardly even visible, and it looks more like an award (or worse - a flower).

WTFFFF, I\'m manager of a popular Dutch Habbo Retro and I introduced this idea a few months ago with a self-made badge that reall looks like this one.. It looks like Habbo just copied my idea?

[quote=N15288] No, this is the for Habbo Council on [quote=N15290] No, this is a new design.

[quote=N15286] The Habbo Council\'s purpose is to audit bans in the last 2 months as a result of poorly trained new moderators.


I didn\'t say it isn\'t a new design, I just say that it looks like the badge I made and the idea looks just the same.

So what lol... you copied their whole game, because you can\'t code a game yourself. And, even if they copied whatcha gonna do? ;)

Nothing, I didn\'t say I don\'t copy their game, I didn\'t say I can\'t code a game myself and I didn\'t say I want to take action.

[quote=N15296] oooh, wat gemeen van habbo; hebben ze dat niet eens met jou overlegd??? Schande. ;) En jij hebt hun idee niet om gezet in een retro? Wie gebruikt nou wie...

Jullie zijn allemaal wel goed woorden uit mijn mond proberen te halen die ik nooit heb gezegd. Ik vind het geen schande :D. Buiten dat heb ik \"hun\" idee niet gejat aangezien ik enkel manager ben van dat hotel, niet de eigenaar ;)

[quote=N15294] Listen, no one from Sulake is interested in or cares about your retro. This is a new idea and a new design to audit bans. Nothing to do with your retro.

It does, because I introduced this idea a few months ago, so it isn\'t a brand new idea.

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