Imported News

Build 1343 [GUIDES!] [UPD2]

New build in Habbo.FI:

Guides system soon


Thanks to --Rafael

New effect:
fx_108=ninja_disappear_name - fx_108_desc=ninja_disappear_desc

New Images:

New Codes:
landing.view.achievementcompetition.treatMonsterPlants.button=Go for it!
landing.view.monsterplantspromo.caption=Something Grisly Grows...
landing.view.competition.prizes.yourrank=Your current rank: %rank%
landing.view.achievementcompetition.treatMonsterPlants.title=COMPETITION: BECOME A BOTANIST OF THE UNKNOWN
landing.view.competition.prizes.treatMonsterPlants.rewardinfo=Gold and great! And only given to the Habbo who comes in at No. 1!
landing.view.competition.prizes.treatMonsterPlants.youarenotrankedinfo=Treat a plant to get ranked.
landing.view.achievementcompetition.treatMonsterPlants.timercaptionexpired=Competition finished!
landing.view.achievementcompetition.treatMonsterPlants.timercaption=Time remaining:
landing.view.competition.prizes.rank=Rank %start%
landing.view.competition.prizes.treatMonsterPlants.caption=Competition Prizes
landing.view.competition.prizes.ranks=Ranks %start%-%end%
landing.view.monsterplantspromo.plant=Face the unknown!
landing.view.competition.hof.treatMonsterPlants.rankdesc.leader=First place! Awesome!
landing.view.competition.prizes.treatMonsterPlants.yourrankinfo=You\'re almost there! Keep on gardening!
landing.view.competition.hof.points=%points% points
landing.view.competition.prizes.yourfinalrank=Your final rank: %rank%
landing.view.monsterplantscreditpromo.caption=Running Low On Credits?
landing.view.competition.prizes.treatMonsterPlants.rank1=Gold prizes await those who dare to tend the terrors and face the unknown...
landing.view.competition.hof.treatMonsterPlants.rankdesc.other=Runner-up! Go for it!
landing.view.achievementcompetition.treatMonsterPlants.caption=Tend The Terror...
landing.view.competition.prizes.treatMonsterPlants.trophyinscription=Monster Plants Botnanist Of The Unknown Rank {0} seeds have been popping up all over the Hotel. Who knows what unspeakable horrors and surprises will grow out of these tiny seedlings? Plant your seed and be sure to tend it regularly to keep it alive and healthy!
landing.view.competition.prizes.treatMonsterPlants.rewardname=WATERING CAN (OF GREATNESS)
landing.view.achievementcompetition.treatMonsterPlants.buttoncaption=Witness the horrors of gardening!
landing.view.monsterplantscreditpromo.getcredits=Get Credits
landing.view.competition.prizes.youarenotranked=You\'re not ranked :(
landing.view.competition.redeemprize.treatMonsterPlants=Your final rank in our Tend The Terror competition was %rank%. You earned %prize%. Well done! Click the button to redeem the prize.\'s never a better time to get some Credits and help your garden grow!
landing.view.competition.redeemprize.redeem=Get your prize! your fears and tend to growing plants to earn points! The more dead the plant you tend, the more points you receive, and points mean prizes!
landing.view.monsterplantspromo.subtitle=Are you brave enough to become a Botanist Of The Unknown?

Update by Tweeney:

New bot speech!

Thanks to Shorty

14 replies on “Build 1343 [GUIDES!] [UPD2]”

[EN] No, you can buy bots, for a limited time only!
[NL] Nee, je kan robots kopen, alleen huur je ze dan!

How do you know, that they\'re limited? And if your sure, is it only for a special time, or will there only be, like 100 of them?

New feature: If you say \":mutepets\", it makes all the pets go silent in the room you are in.

[quote=N15443] Well DUH!! the screenshots are to show that they are being uploaded to other hotels


[b]The corner-images[/b] [i]is to fix the hotel view - I\'ve noticed that the top-corners isn\'t round there.[/i]
[b]The pixel...[/b] [i]can\'t they even fix image positions any longer? :P Just my guess what they can use it to.[/i]
[b]MonsterplantPromo - [/b][i]Again and again, I\'m already tired of it: Buy plants and spray and get badge lvl 1 for buying 1 item, then you need 100 or 101 for the next, and the last one may be... hm, like nuts... 1000? They\'re clearly insane :3[/i]


Bots are still in early development and won\'t be released just quite yet. Upon release they will not be as advance as to respond to certain commands but won\'t be as [i]basic[/i] as bots like the Kitchen Bots (the furni ones).

- Confirmed by GPN$ (Habbo.COM Staff)

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