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Adieu, Goodbye and So long to Pixels!


I found this from

\"Pixels will be history very soon, as after much deliberation, Habbo´s decided to remove them. Here are the answers to some questions that you may have regarding the phase out of Pixels:

Why are Pixels being removed?
We cannot really design anything cool that both new and old Habbos could get their hands on (without it being worth nothing), the Pixel imbalance is just too big. In other words, this system did not work the way it was intended. That\'s why we introduced seasonal currencies instead, like Hearts, Peanuts etc.

When will the Pixels be removed?
It won\'t happen suddenly, and you\'ll have plenty of time to prepare. This week we\'ll start out by removing Pixel earnings from Quests and Achievements, change fireworks charging to unlimited (so you can charge without Pixels). Next week we\'ll be launching a special Farewell To Pixels campaign, with new, cool items that you can buy for your remaining Pixels. Then probably around June 19 (we might install a count down timer in the Hotels), Pixels will be removed.

Why didn\'t you try to create better rewards for Pixels instead of creating new currencies all the time, like Hearts, Snowflakes, Nuts etc?
Pricing Pixel items proved to be extremely hard, because there was such a huge imbalance. Some Habbos have hundreds of thousands of Pixels and some have only got a few hundred. Seasonal currencies are easier to tie into campaigns and the activities we do (competitions, Quests and promotions).

Speaking of Hearts, Snowflakes, Nuts etc, will I keep getting currencies like those? Will I be able to earn them? And will I be able to buy stuff with those currencies only?
Yes, they will stay and we\'ll give them even more attention during upcoming campaigns! And yes, there will be items that you can get using only that currency, while some will be available with both Credits and the seasonal currency.

With Pixels removed, will I get something everytime I get a new Achievement?

We are looking into the whole Achievement system (also related to Talents and new paths), re-evaluating the rewards. Instead of Pixels, in the future, Achievements will sometimes earn you badges, and sometimes fun new skills and tools!

I have fifteen trillion Pixel points (or thereabouts), what do I do with them? There\'s not enough for me to spend them on and I don\'t want thousands of Pixel Beds… Did I earn it all for nothing?
We might have something in the Farewell To Pixels campaign that costs fifteen trillion pixels (or thereabouts), so stay tuned for that ;)

What happens to Pixel Effects?
You can stock up on Effects during the campaign, after that we will take the Effects away for a while in order to renew them. In the future, some of them might cost Credits (in that case the expiration is longer or you can buy them in packs), while some will be given as free rewards from Quests and competitions, or even from the Ecotron.

How about Special Effects that I can rent for my room, or stuff like Pixel Furni, Automobile Furni and Hello Furni? Will have to pay for those now, or will you just remove them altogether?
We\'ll probably remove them for now and have them as part of the campaigns/seasonal offering. New Habbos will still get items for free when they join, as usual, and we have some other fun plans up our sleeve as well!

What about the Pixel Pet Foods? My pet will starve...
We will check the pet food packages and pricing to make sure no pets will starve!

I was hoping for another Pixel Cat! Will that happen in the future?
We might have something like that with our future campaign currency, stay tuned! :)\"

9 replies on “Adieu, Goodbye and So long to Pixels!”

You found it from, you dumb or something, why didn\'t you just look at the habo blog Bet you didn\'t even know about it.

Guys, stop hating, he\'s just updating you on what\'s going to happen, so what about his age or where he got it from, he\'s just doing his job.

[quote=N15561] I dont think you realise but habbo is meant for +13, so ofcourse he can go on habbo. Infact a few years ago most people on habbo were that age but now its full of stupid 30 year olds!

@ the guy claiming habbo is full of adults. If you know your habbo history, which clearly you don\'t. Habbo was actually built as an \"adolescent\" social chat room. Which means 17+ .. so don\'t go trolling \"it\'s full of 30 yr olds\" .. v.v\' It was you children that bombed on habbo and MADE it into a child zone. kty <3

There\'s not enough for me to spend them on and I don\'t want thousands of Pixel Beds… Did I earn it all for nothing?

Splutter cough, where can u buy pixel beds?

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