Imported News

World Wide Mute!

Hi Habbo\'s,

yesterday Sulake decided to mute the whole Habbo Community. Noone was able to chat, message, use forums or change your mission. The reason of this action is some news published by Channel 4.

Channel 4 News producer Rachel Seifert logged in 50 times in the last 2 months and found \"chats and interactions of an explicit sexual nature\". The result of this \"shocking problem\" is that the company Balderton decided to stop their investment in Sulake.

Above article sums contains most of the important stuff. For more information and details check out one of the links below.

What do you think about this? Leave a comment below!


Sources & more information:
Channel 4 (English) (Dutch)
NOS (Dutch)
AD (Dutch)
Volkskrant (Dutch) (Dutch)
Paul LaFontaine (CEO) on Twitter
Image from

28 replies on “World Wide Mute!”

I imagine they\'re checking chat records.. but muting the entire Hotel? Really? Its just... ugh.
About half of my friends on Habbo are now on Retro\'s due to the mute + the rumour of Habbo closing.


\"a few users\" - Sulake, don\'t lie!

I stopped at Habbo, some weeks ago, finally someone begin to REACT on how Sulake isn\'t caring for their rules, their players\' risk and so on. Scamming, bullying, s3x and so on - You need at least like 10 habbos to report someone before something actually happen - Else you\'ll just get a \"robot-answer\".

Yes - They are too upset, and know that this will weak the game even more, lead to death.
But still no - They cannot make use of collective punishment, even if it\'s like 60% of the users that\'s breaking the rules every single moment the hotel is online.

My suggestion: Sulake, do it friggin\' better - Nearly ALL other games offer better safety.
And - Do not push everything over to the habbos (talent-program). Even that they\'re supposed to act like mods, then there\'s alot chance that either the helper or helped, will use the program to their adventage. <<

More chat on Habbo - More rules to break. But no, don\'t overreact, Sulake.

P.S., great article, good job Channel 4.
@Guest 13-06-2012 03:57:43.
// I don\'t think they do - Or they will only do, if you\'re reported by someone (Or haz reported someone else.)

--- Fact of today ---
[spoiler]Don\'t use Ctrl + V >> Habbo MODs think it\'s a spam-program :)[/spoiler]


[b]So the media now realise the danger of internet? What\'s the point of it now? Almost 90% of the Children are already playing it. And not only Habbo, there\'s also other games that is a \"paedophile haven\", like IMVU, a very good example. Why don\'t the Channel 4 News stop them then? Plus, IMVU also have actions which are more danger and more detailed to teach the Children bad stuff. Seriously, the media got to look into the big view instead of just focusing on a game. :S [/b]

[b]Mhm, I think many of us know that already, but you\'re right.[/b]

[b]Still,[/b] Sulake has ignored their users, they\'ve actually lied for them...[i] \"lied\"... is that english? ok, lying. Nvm.[/i]
The \"Habbo world\" is caotic, and Sulake don\'t WANT to stop this - Then hide it for their sponsors, users and so on, and let them feel it when they see it.

At least, I can only guess, but think that games like IMVU is making something more challenging than Habbo // [i]My sister played it, and I tell u - All the crap that\'s getting installed on your computer... oh f.[/i]

You can all be sure that at least [b]7%[/b] of the players has either changed to retro or leaved Habbo.
Retros COULD go overrule Habbo soon, and get more [b]ONLINE[/b] players[i] (Lulfug, Sulake, you don\'t hav\' more than 80k \"[b]loyal[/b]\" users, I would say [b]under[/b]<<<)[/i]

[i]-As, a very hidden spaic-bais on Neptune (As I said to the highly radioactive substance, replying me on another gaming website.)[/i]

Just to clear things up for the people who agree with this \"investigation\". The woman who conducted the research wasn\'t a child. She was clearly going into Habbo to exclusively find these \"explicit interactions\" .. she probably even instigated some of them for her own amusement.
Why is it you all think that a staff team of a game can control the social networks of over 4000 users on an average? Do you have any idea how difficult that can be? Yes there could be more filters and such, but what\'s the point in freedom of speech if you\'re censored?
8 year olds shouldn\'t even be playing this game! And it\'s the fact that children keep hijacking networks like this as to the reason why so little games exist to entertain their chosen age spectrum.

I\'m slightly appalled at the ferociousness of which these allegations have taken hold of Habbo so quickly.

The thing is, every single social media has this problem, not just Habbo. It\'s even worse on Facebook. This could have happened to any service. Facebook is just [url=]too big to fail[/url], so no one bothers.


Uh, where are you talking about?

Habbo is for ppl under 18 years (A TEEN hotel) but now a sponsor of Habbo checked the hotel and they see there are to much ppl 18+ or sexual in Habbo.. so they stopped giving money to habbo.. that\'s it?

Facebook has no sponsors, facebook makes money by advertising ;p

Check this out:

Hahahah, i love how the moderation team is doing so well. On habbo au, i got a reply from a moderator who swore in the message about 3 times (Yes, HIM :P) But yeah, Moderation team SUCKS really bad. I Hate how every user is nearly over 20+ or below 13. I hate how habbo just has rooms of dating or gambling. Seriously. I hate to see rooms saying \"Chicks come here if you have cam\" and thats not the biggest issue imo. The biggest issue i see is all this hacking! Seriously, Everyday a user get hacked majorly and sometimes its not habbo they hacked but the computer. Habbo never listens and tbh i hope they close down due to a failure moderation team.

Habbo has lost significant amounts of users in the years. The average users login daily is 10k+ and before the hotels were seperated the hotels made it over to 25k+

:( The only thing i like now is mainly the forums and even thats bad too.

[quote]LOL Is it pronounced Su-lar-kee? XD i thought it was su-lake[/quote]
no it\'s just su-la-ke

I thought the same thing (sue-lake), but it is really \"sue-lock-e\"
Do you mean the group forums? Yeah they\'re gone too. CMS groups are gone since the mute started.

[quote=N15588] The moderation doesnt work? REALLY?! O_O

(In German Hotel the moderators dont even speak german, its amazing!)

That\'s bullshit.. Every single ONLINE chat has pedophiles if you look for them.. Parents should do something about their horny kids too!

\"All of our loyal and silent Habbos will receive a [b]badge[/b] to recognise their commitment through this period.\"
F*** U SULAKE, I want credits!!!

I think habbo is for teens not for KIDS. That\'s why you agree having more than 13 years old when you enter the site. Also, in the terms and conditions that you sign habbo says it\'s not responsible for those things they are complaining now. Finally, they are not pedophiles... it\'s just stupid teenagers with their hormones jumping which come to this website to find a place to feel horny. C\'mon... there is already a mute button and it\'s called IGNORE. Why so much mess about this? -.-

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