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Latest info about the mute [UPDATE4]


I had chat with Paul LaFontaine, and he told me these things:

- Mute until they improve moderation
- 10 new features
- Big campaign, The BIG Unmute

PS, my personal message to Channel 4:
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Real big thanks to little Shorty <3_<3
Also I changed the finnish words in text to english.

New quiz? Texts:

Open spoiler

The mute is ending soon! I got an invite to edit pinboard called \"The BIG unmute\" on Pinterest from Habbo staff Grecian9.

Update 4:
Today Paul posted this to the Habbo blog:
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The Channel Four News report in the UK about inappropriate interaction on the site saddened me for two reasons. Not only was I deeply concerned to hear about the findings, I was also sorry that the report made no mention of the millions of responsible users who have a positive and constructive experience on our site.

For a full week since Channel Four’s report went on air, my team has worked tirelessly to create the best possible solutions to the challenges we face from a small minority. Now it’s time to allow our loyal and legitimate users a brief chance to have their say before we finalise our plans for Habbo’s future.

For six hours tomorrow (Wednesday), starting at 14:00 UK time, a new and separate website called ‘The Great Unmute’ will open and allow you all to post your thoughts and feelings in a way never seen before in social media. Once the uploading closes, the site will be re-secured as a testament to the many positive experiences the Habbo community has created.

It’s your chance to tell me what I can do to improve the community. You have my word, my team and I will be reading every comment, looking at every picture and watching every video clip. My commitment to you right now is to deliver the safest possible user experience. I understand that means listening to you at this critical moment if I am going to get it right. I feel strongly that it is the right thing to do to make sure your views are heard.

It is also a moment where the world will be watching us, listening carefully to our conversations to understand what our community means to us. The Habbo community is a creative and dynamic environment, but we have never allowed the uploading of visual content before. This has always been a key element of our efforts to protect the safety of our users. That’s why The Great Unmute is a chance to get creative in new ways; the site will allow multimedia content, giving users a real chance express their views in a responsible way with a watching world. Users below the age of 18 should check with their parents before uploading multimedia content.

As the world media stops talking ABOUT us and takes a brief moment to listen TO us, I want us to demonstrate why we are proud of our community. The Habbo site has always been about interacting, sharing news and views and making new friends in a controlled and constructive environment. This is what we’re going to show with a single voice in a wave of innovative content.

When we open The Great Unmute I am going to ask you to answer at least one of the following questions with your posts:

· What does your community mean to you?

· How do you feel about the recent news?

· How can we improve the site in the future?

I would also like to extend the invitation to parents of users to visit the site and watch our conversations. This marks the start of Habbo working closely with parents and users together, sharing a collective responsibility to deliver a safe and secure social experience for our global community of teenagers and young people.

After the Great Unmute, my team and I will need to spend a little time looking at the content you submit to make sure I come back with a final plan to deliver the community you want. But rest assured the reopening of the Habbo community is not far away. In the meantime, again my thanks to the millions of loyal users who are continuing to support us through these challenging times.

18 replies on “Latest info about the mute [UPDATE4]”

When they\'re improvement is ready?
If its sone kinda quick/select-words chat im gonna laugh alot..

- Big campaign, The BIG Unmute

[/facepalm] I want to kill myself.

- Mute until they improve moderation

...... So we will be muted untill they hire local moderators who can speak the language of the hotel? Otherwhise they won\'t improve their moderation.

The Swedish hotel indirect has local moderators. Sulake hired that \'\'Interaktiv Sakerhet\'\'(Interactive security) company some time ago, but they suck big times though.

Aparently one of the new features is a redoing of the help tool location and more help with that

One of the new features in basically to make your account hack-proof, they have just added this. It basically gives you an option to allow 1 ip for your account, if you tick this box (in your account settings), it tells you that if it detects another ip address on your account, it locks your account and sends you an email to unlock it. This is quite a good idea but has taken them AGES to finally add.

it\'s an option, you don\'t have to use it. (check your account settings page)

The new Quiz was already in the hotel before the mute even started.
I\'ve did it already in Habbo NL.

I actually agree with their decision to mute us but omfg I am seriously fed up of the mute right now.

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