Imported News

Build 1444! [UPD2]

Today Habbo Hotel updated to BUILD1444.

Some things that have been noticed so far:

Chatbox has moved + new texts

Helper has been removed?


New achievement coming soon?

New hotelview

No more earning pixels on achievements/quests

Events have been removed from the navigator!
Thanks to zuc0001

New filtering:

UPDATE: New alert style:

More coming soon!


17 replies on “Build 1444! [UPD2]”

\"Events\" have been removed from the Navigator + Pixels can now not be earned for Quests or Achievements.

Habbo has also released a new furni line: White Executive (found on Habbo.Fi). Btw thanks! :P

zuc0001, everyone knows about the events, you just click on the rooms button and there it is. & everyone knows about the pixels because they were removing them. :)

Guest, you didn\'t get my point.
In this build (1444), Habbo have removed Pixels from being earned in Quests and Achievements. Everyone knew they were being rermoved :P!

Habbo are gonna lose users by this. It is inappropriate to remove all the important things. Zuc0001, The \"Vanilla Executive Furni\" Is in .com right this moment.

looks like they\'ve taken the filter from one of their old games (virtual magical kingdom) , so you now can only say what they aprove of ..

The \"true habbo\" is already an achievement. It\'s for being \"a member of the community for ##days\"
The way in which the achievement is scored may be different perhaps, as what I can see from the image it is.


[quote=N15641] [quote=N15641]
well bring some out in chucks so you wont be able to see the new ui untill july


*Illumina, and it\'s a full UI redesign so of course it\'ll take a bit of time to complete. (H)

A bit of time?! DUDE! They have been working on it since the start of the year.. They :released it\" on the sulake page march 1.. But i guess with the whole pedo thing going on.. They are more focused on it.. We might be seeing it by the end of the year perhaps :/


Have you seen the screenshots of what the proposed look will be though? It\'s nothing simple that\'ll be completed in a short amount of time. We\'ll be getting pieces of it throughout the summer. No set date on its completion though.

\"@ediootti: @NicolasBuzz We already have a sizeable portion of it online with the Helpers tools, and there\'ll be more throughout the summer. :)\"
\"‏@ediootti: @NicolasBuzz There\'s currently no hard set deadline for when everything is illuminized, tho.\"

They\'re more concerned with this whole bogus \'The Great Unmute\' campaign in my opinion.

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