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Quick update!

Hey Guys!

as you might have seen there is not a lot going on at the moment. We\'re offline at some weird, random moments and online at others (lol?). Most of you might know I\'m currently in Australia to study. Now I\'m finished here I\'ll travel for 1.5 months and I\'ll return home somewhere in August. Because my laptop is too heavy and the screen is broken I won\'t bring my laptop for the first month, so I won\'t be able to change anything on the site or to update stuff. Most of our systems are automated (so the site should be up-to-date), but for some weird reason the furni upload function seems to fail. If I notice that there are images waiting to be uploaded I\'ll try to do it manually on my iPad or phone, so expect some delays. When I return home I\'ll test our whole system again and fix the problem :-)

So if there is ANYTHING going on with the site, like we\'re offline or whatever, please check out our Twitter @Puhekupla_com for the latest site related news.


Mark (|)

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