Imported News

Camera returns!

Today the new build revealed that the camera is returning to Habbo! After sulake promised that it would not return to habbo following Puhekupla\'s april fools, here it is:

More coming soon!

Thanks to Shorty

26 replies on “Camera returns!”

Thinking for a second it was April fools again and then realizing its July :D Can\'t wait for this!
Happy Independence Day to anyone in the US!
-Splodger1 (

[quote=N15684] Yeah, same her, but it is real. I found some of the images in the Habbo swf file. But I hope they improve the camera UI before they release it

[quote=N15687] It isn\'t fake. The files are in the swf file: [url=][/url]

:P Nice retro running in a tab there. points out that it\'s most likely XAMPP and the favicon prove it\'s Phoenix.

[quote=N15696] Localhsot can be used for [b]ANY[/b] website, stop being such a noob. This is coming to Habbo, you can look on for these users/rooms too :)

My browser was pointing to this file [url=][/url] which checks the builds of Habbo, I just also have old files within which have that favicon, as my name is Shorty I\'m sure you would understand. As a little extra, here\'s some coding from Habbo\'s SWF [url=][/url]

@Shorty Could you take some photos of the MOD Tool by chance, please? I have heard that it had some chances in the past.

Why on earth would they have it double the size? Just make it half the size and make it take a normal photo! God sake stupid decisions Sulake.

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