Imported News

Guardian System [UP2]

Update 2:

The Talents Tree has now been updated with the requirements for Guardians, however at this moment in time the Guardians aren\'t actually enabled.

Update 1
5 Guardians will review a single request, may be cut down to 3 after trial.
Talent Tree will contain \"True Helper\" and \"On Duty\" requirements.
Anybody abusing the Guardian system will face the abuse prevention system.
Guardians will get secret scores, these secret scores will only go up if they vote and the outcome vote matches.

Previously posted was an estimated guess of what the texts were going to be for the Guardian system, now I can confirm all of the texts as they have been uploaded to

Images of Guardian & Help Tool

New Achievement - ACH_GuideChatReviewer & ACH_GuideChatReviewRequester

Open spoiler

9 replies on “Guardian System [UP2]”

Guardian will be an extension to the Habbo Helpers. (Helper, Novice Guardian, Guardian and then at a later date Pro Guardian)

so basically it\'s like a lesser form of being a mod really. But i still don\'t get why we can\'t go on homepages and forums if all chat is back on >.<

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