Update 2:
The Talents Tree has now been updated with the requirements for Guardians, however at this moment in time the Guardians aren\'t actually enabled.
Update 1
5 Guardians will review a single request, may be cut down to 3 after trial.
Talent Tree will contain \"True Helper\" and \"On Duty\" requirements.
Anybody abusing the Guardian system will face the abuse prevention system.
Guardians will get secret scores, these secret scores will only go up if they vote and the outcome vote matches.
Previously posted was an estimated guess of what the texts were going to be for the Guardian system, now I can confirm all of the texts as they have been uploaded to Habbo.com
Images of Guardian & Help Tool
New Achievement - ACH_GuideChatReviewer & ACH_GuideChatReviewRequester
Open spoiler
guide.bully.request.guide.accept.accept.button=Accept request
guide.bully.request.guide.accept.request.description=The user has reported a case of bullying. Take a look at the anonymous chat log and vote with other fellow Guardians about the case.
guide.bully.request.guide.accept.request.title=New request
guide.bully.request.guide.accept.request.type=Bullying case
guide.bully.request.guide.accept.skip.link=I can\'t help with this request
guide.bully.request.guide.accept.title=Your help requests
guide.bully.request.guide.results.final.title=The final verdict
guide.bully.request.guide.results.final.votes=THE FINAL VOTES:
guide.bully.request.guide.results.outcome.bad=The user behaved badly!
guide.bully.request.guide.results.outcome.ok=The user behaved acceptably.
guide.bully.request.guide.results.outcome.refused=The guide did not vote.
guide.bully.request.guide.results.outcome.searching=Searching for guide...
guide.bully.request.guide.results.outcome.very_bad=The user behaved awfully!
guide.bully.request.guide.results.outcome.waiting=Waiting for vote...
guide.bully.request.guide.results.thanks=Thanks for your vote!
guide.bully.request.guide.results.title=Waiting for votes
guide.bully.request.guide.results.votes=THE VOTES SO FAR:
guide.bully.request.guide.results.wait=Thanks for your vote! You can close this window if you don\'t want to wait for the final result.
guide.bully.request.guide.results.waiting.description=The verdict will be shown here once enough votes are in.
guide.bully.request.guide.results.waiting.title=Waiting for the votes to roll in...
guide.bully.request.guide.results.your_vote=YOUR VOTE
guide.bully.request.guide.vote.anonymous=Other user %ID%
guide.bully.request.guide.vote.question=How was the <b>REPORTED USER</b> acting in this case?
guide.bully.request.guide.vote.title=Handling a bullying case
guide.bully.request.guide.vote.waiting=Waiting for other Guardians to join the case...
guide.bully.request.reporter.blocked.body=Your reports have been deemed as invalid continuously by the guardians, and you are no longer able to report new cases.
guide.bully.request.reporter.blocked.caption=You are no longer able to send in new reports.
guide.bully.request.reporter.blocked.note=You can still ignore a bullying user by highlighting them and clicking Moderate -> Ignore, and send moderation help requests in emergency cases.
guide.bully.request.reporter.invalid.body=Misusing the bully reporting system is punishable, and will result in losing your ability to report new cases.<br/><br/>You can check the Habbo Way, if you need to freshen up on what is considered appropriate and inappropriate behavior on Habbo.
guide.bully.request.reporter.invalid.caption=Please don\'t misuse the bully report system.
guide.bully.request.reporter.nochat.body=The guardians can\'t vote on your case, because the user you reported has not spoken.
guide.bully.request.reporter.nochat.note=If this is an emergency, and you feel threatened by the user, you can still send a moderation help request.
guide.bully.request.reporter.note=Did you know, that you can also ignore a user by highlighting them and clicking Moderate -> Ignore?
guide.bully.request.reporter.sent.body=The guardians have received your report, and it\'s been reviewed.<br/><br/>You will also get a separate confirmation when an appropriate action has been taken.
guide.bully.request.reporter.sent.caption=Your report has been sent.
guide.bully.request.reporter.title=Your bully report
guide.bully.request.reporter.valid.body=Your report has been reviewed, and an appropriate action has been taken.<br/><br/>Thanks for helping keep Habbo safe and fun for everyone!
guide.bully.request.reporter.valid.caption=Thank you!
help.main2.bully.button=Report a bully
help.main2.bully.description=If you see others misbehaving, bullying, being cruel or not obeying the Habbo Way, report it and our Helpers will take a look at the issue.
help.main2.bully.subtitle=Report a bully
help.main2.bully.title=SOMEONE\'S MISBEHAVING
help.main2.emergency.button=Get immediate help!
help.main2.emergency.description=Get immediate help from Moderators if you or someone you know is in at risk or have shared personal details
help.main2.emergency.subtitle=(FOR URGENT MATTERS ONLY)
help.main2.emergency.title=This is an emergency!
help.main2.question.button=Ask a question
help.main2.question.description=Get answers to all your Habbo gameplay related questions from our experienced players.
help.main2.question.subtitle=I have a question
help.main2.question.title=COMMON QUESTION
help.main2.self.faq=<b><u>Frequently Asked Questions</u></b><br><font size=\"10\">Solutions to the most common<br>Habbo questions</font>
help.main2.self.habboway=<b><u>Open the Habbo Way</u></b><br><font size=\"10\">The do\'s and don\'ts of Habbo.<br>Be safe, be smart, be cool.</font>
help.main2.self.payment=If you have payment related issues, click here
help.main2.self.safetypolicy=<b><u>Safety Policy</u></b><br><font size=\"10\">Learn to play it safe</font>
help.main2.self.title=THE SELF-HELP SECTION
help.main2.subtitle=OUR GUARDIANS ARE HERE FOR YOU
help.main2.title=How can we help you?
help.main2.tour.button=Take a tour
help.main2.tour.description=Get a guided tour, see the most awesome rooms, and ask our Tour Guides what Habbo is all about.
help.main2.tour.subtitle=I want someone to show me around
help.main2.tour.title=LOST IN HABBO?
perk.JUDGE_CHAT_REVIEWS.description=Receive the ability to participate in Guardian votes.
perk.JUDGE_CHAT_REVIEWS.name=Become a Guardian
talent.track.helper.level.6.description=As a Guardian you can help other Habbos get the most of their Habbo experience and always be on the look out for bullying and antisocial behavior.
talent.track.helper.level.6.title=Novice Guardian
talent.track.helper.level.6.unlock=Guardian abilities unlocked. Patrol the hallways of Habbo helping those in need to reach the next level.
talent.track.helper.level.7.description=Keep on helping Habbos throughout the Hotel.
talent.track.helper.level.7.unlock=Help Habbos throughout the Hotel to advance to the next level.
9 replies on “Guardian System [UP2]”
How do you find all of this before it\'s released?
he sold his soul for devil
He is a proffesional coder/scripter, he know all about habbo.
It\'s a \"perk\" that Official Fansites have @Reestv
How cute, the guardian system is just like a Jury in court. lol.
I want to be Guardian, wait is it another Talent?
Guardian will be an extension to the Habbo Helpers. (Helper, Novice Guardian, Guardian and then at a later date Pro Guardian)
so basically it\'s like a lesser form of being a mod really. But i still don\'t get why we can\'t go on homepages and forums if all chat is back on >.<
theu uploaded today guardians.enabled
http://i.imgur.com/wxb4x.png <- bully report window