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What kind of Habboween campaign would you like to see?

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12 replies on “What kind of Habboween campaign would you like to see?”

1. My big Habboween Idea is: Wizard and witchcraft

2. Whilst on the subject of campaigns…. What ideas do you have for future Habbo campaigns? Magic furni, Quests (skulls, like hearts snowflakes etcetera), competitions, clothes and room backgrounds that you can buy of skulls.

A story that we need to save a girl that is kipnapped by zombies.

furni idea: stairs for basement and habboween houses!

[b]... Can I ask for [u]new wired[/u] for Habboween?[/b]

They should try look back, I think their mad-scientist, forest-thing ect. Habboween-events as earli\' as 07 was great. Then pimp it up with \"skills\", working-system (Like to make bakery, smithing shop, tannery, monster slayer)... ok, that would maybe go over to somekind of fairytale-rpg.

[i]-As, Another idea would be to drop Habboween and remove all the crap Sulake makes this day.[/i]

If they\'re able to ruin Habboween and Xmas than I\'m out. So hopefully they make something good.

I would love to see a sequel on the virus thing that effected the publicrooms and the people in that hospital few years ago.
Maybe as a furni the \'secret\' green gothic fountain and wizard/magic stuff.

Make a black fountain just like the birdbath but black and with red water. Very scary and gothic :D Perfekt LTD rare!

A Murder mystery game with old characters like Bonnie Blonde, Johny Squabble, Donnie Santini, Frank, Dove (shouthill), Gusto (pizza), Rasta.Santa, The-Bling and so on. With furni like a plate with the head of one of the participants with a cloche.

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