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Habbo Developer Center

\"Habbo Gaming API is open!

So what is this all about? We have decided to open up a bit and let third party developers to develop games for our users. This opens a whole new world for us, our users and also for game developers. We have researched our users a bit, or actually more than a bit. And the result is.... they like games! Not that surprising considering that our users are teens.

Habbo Gaming API is not a rigid toolkit for making games. We actually let you make your game with the tools you like, as long as it works with a modern web browser. We are all about driving users to your game and also providing tools for you to monetize your game play. Of course we have some rules, like that the games have to be suitable for teens. So no gore-gambling-shooters please :)

At the moment we will only accept developers from companies and educational institutes but fear not! It is not going to be last forever. Later on when we have learned a bit more about this API-business we will open the site for everybody. \"

6 replies on “Habbo Developer Center”

[quote=N16042] \"when we have learned a bit more about this API-business [big][b]we will open the site for everybody[/b][/big]\"

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