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Site updates!

Hi everyone!

It's been a while since our last big update. I've been working hard on some of our core pages and though it was time to share the changes with you :-)

So, what's new?
- You are now able to comment on other users, comments are nested. Click the textbubble in a comment to try it.
- Guests show some sort of ID now, this makes it easier to identify multiple comments from 1 guest.
- We removed the Blogs & Articles sections. Future articles and blogs will be posted with the regular news (old articles / blogs are still available).
- Staff & VIPs are more visible in comments, check out their logo next to their rank.
- iPad users will be redirected to the normal site. Screen is big enough so why not use that extra space :-)

That's it for now. Next updates will include more user & VIP related stuff.

(|) Mark

24 replies on “Site updates!”

Hi! We will be updating our VIP features soon. We mainly do competitions where you can earn VIP, however we are working on a way for users to purchase the feature. We are still looking into this and will keep the public updated.

New features are important.

Thanks. We looked at ways to do this and realise that it will confuse our newer visitors so we will be making appropriate updates soon. We understand that Habbo and Puhekupla news should be kept separate.

It would be mint if you guys could come up with a script that makes the new things works like habbo does when you double click them in the shop.

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