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New Year's Resolution -update

I found new codes in Habbo servers, related to the Habbo New Year campaign. YEARS RESOLUTIONS your resolutions into a Furni! your inventory for a brand new FREE Resolution Furni. Select an achievement and complete it by the set deadline to turn the Furni into a great Trophy. resolutions made!
landing.view.community_catalog_button.text.NY2013Resolution=Get extra furnis from the shop

resolution.title=Make a New Years Resolution!
resolution.header=Pick an achievement and see what level you need to achieve to make this furni turn into a New Years Resolution Trophy!
resolution.confirmation.title=Are you sure you want to pick this achievement?
resolution.confirmation.text=You can't change your selection later on. If you'd like to make several resolutions, please visit the Shop to buy another Resolution Furni.
resolution.achievement.level=Your current level
resolution.achievement.level.value=Level %level% New Years Resolution target level %level%
resolution.engraving.text=For completing the resolution: %badgename%.
resolution.completed.title=NEW YEARS RESOLUTION
resolution.completed.header=Yay, You made it!
resolution.completed.description=Easy pickings! This was really no challenge for you was it? You are an example of dedication and goal setting!
resolution.completed.close=Close window
resolution.failed.title=NEW YEARS RESOLUTION
resolution.failed.subtitle=Oh dear, you failed!
resolution.failed.text=You ran out of time to complete the resolution. Well don't worry about it, resolutions are made to be broken anyway. Better luck next year!
resolution.progress.title=NEW YEARS RESOLUTION
resolution.progress.progress=Your progress %progress%/%total%
resolution.progress.time.left=Time left:
resolution.button.ok=Make the New Years Resolution!
resolution.button.cancel=No thanks, maybe later!
resolution.disabled.1=You have already completed all levels in this achievement.
resolution.disabled.2=You already have an unfinished resolution for this achievement.

badge_name_NY2013RES=New Year's Resolution 2013
badge_desc_NY2013RES=For making a resolution for the new year 2013

UPDATE (19-12-2012)

New Year furniture coming soon:

"ny2013_block" ; "Mayan Building Block" ; "What would the Mayans build?"
"ny2013_calendar" ; "Mayan Calendar" ; "The end is... when?"
"ny2013_chair" ; "Mayan Chair" ; "Take a seat, the world may end"
"ny2013_clock" ; "Mayan Clock" ; "Counting down to the end of the world!"
"ny2013_extrares" ; "New Year's Resolution 2013" ; "What will your resolution be?"
"ny2013_floor" ; "Mayan Floor" ; "In the footsteps of the... Mayans"
"ny2013_res" ; "New Year's Resolution 2013" ; "What will your resolution be?"
"year2013" ; "2013 Countdown Sign" ; "3-2-1 .. HAPPY NEW YEAR"

- Sturmgeist =]

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