Furni Imported News

WIRED EFFECT: Execute Wired Stacks - Habbo


EFECTO WIRED: Ejecuta Pilas
EFEITO WIRED: Faz pilhas de wireds
WIRED-TOIMINTO: Aloita Wired-pinoaminen
Effet WIRED : Exécuter piles Wired
EFFETTO: Esegui gruppi di Wired
WIRED REACTIE: Wired stapels uitvoeren
WIRED Effekt: Wired-Stapel ausführen
WIRED EFFECT: Wired Yığınları Çalıştır

14 replies on “WIRED EFFECT: Execute Wired Stacks - Habbo”

"WIRED EFFECT: Execute Wired Stacks"

"This Wired allows you to select 5 wired stacks to execute from a single trigger, regardless of existing conditions or triggers."

[b]'Ey, new wired.[/b] Took years, right? Now, let's go invent [i]database wired[/i], folks!
[i]HAR HAR HAR! [s](My version of HO HO HO)[/s][/i]

// If you don't have the mood, go get it! Let's parti everyoneeeeee! :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: [b]d~('-')~b[/b] :party:
[spoiler][url=][/url] (Rewind Youtube Style)
[url=][/url] (New LoL champion)[/spoiler]

[small][i]-As, stopped on Habbo.[/i][/small]

Oh, at first I was trying to post some links within the url-tags, but they were removed. So in the next comment, I just pasted them in raw. (And the dancing smiley is the "d~('-' )~b)" )

Also, I've been obsessed about the idea of Sulake making database wired.
The [i]database wired[/i] will help alot saving variables for individual players.
So you can save furni state/positions, player position in a room, numbers, strings and so on using the [i]database wired[/i].
And get it whenever needed ofc.

With [i]database wired[/i], we can make health bars, save positions, RPG inventory, maze progress and alot more!

[small][i]-As[/i][/small] (Y)

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