Imported News

New Acting CEO - Markku Ignatius

As a lot of Habbo's share their opinion after Paul LaFontaine announced his departure, the Sulake blog has a fresh news story about where the company is going, and what's going to happen in the following months.

The blog thanks Paul for his work, and how Markku Ignatius believes the community will be run in the future.

How do you think he will go? Do you think we will see great changes or still the same? Let us know in the comments.

“Markku Ignatius has been appointed as the acting CEO of the Company” stated Rönnblad. “Markku is an industry veteran with over 6 years experience in the management team of the company, so we trust that under his leadership the company will enjoy stable and smooth transitioning into the future” said Rönnblad.

“To me, the story of Habbo has always been a story about the Community” said Ignatius. “Our company’s strength and success derives from the strength and success of our Community. In the coming year we continue listening to our Community and learning from the Community. We will keep on both providing our users with the classic Habbo features so loved by our Community as well as continue developing new extensions to the Habbo experience, such as the recently launched Game Center and mobile application.” Ignatius stated."


Last impression of Paul

See the video below, Paul talks about what went wrong with the mute & how Sulake acted with the issues they faced. Tell us what you think.

11 replies on “New Acting CEO - Markku Ignatius”

Great interview. I really think, that Paul has done a good job and manages to present Habbo and the situation in the best possible way. Many are unhappy with him, and perhaps he has not managed to shape the community in the way everyone wants. But you can not deny, that he has tried to listen to us users way more, than any other person working at Sulake. Who knows what or where Habbo would be now if it were not for him?

Great interview, Well said about the safety part. I've been on habbo for very long time now and i can see the difference since Paul and channel 4 got involved. Habbo safety as picked up a lot from going in a room and people want sex with you. To nothing what so ever yer you may see if once a day but before it was once a min lol. I still think safety part can pick up bit more but at the moment its better then it as been.

I don't agree on the fun part easy, Since Paul been CEO of habbo hotel. Fun as not been his strongest point as its been else then fun. All he does is them dam quest crap, His mission was money, Updating the hotel same its not the best from 06. :(

Well he is correct about loads of users left because they filtered us. from 10,000+ a day to just 2,000 Maximum.

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