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Help Us, To Help You!


It's a brand new year, 2013. We'd like to say welcome to Puhekupla and thanks for visiting :) We are hoping you are enjoying the new profiles, we know we are! However we would love to hear back from you regarding a few things around the site, and just your general opinion.

Help us, to help you.

We would love to hear your honest opinion about everything Puhekupla. Any ideas that you may have would also be fantastic, just include everything you'd love to share with us to make Puhekupla a better experience for you, so you can easily get all of your Habbo news.

All ideas will be looked into, and all of your opinions will be taken into account to help shape Puhekupla for 2013. The main things we'd love to hear about is:

- Puhekupla Profiles
- Competition ideas/opinions
- The way you collect Habbo news (how you want to collect it, including ideas)
- General ideas for Puhekupla
If you have anything else you'd like to share, feel more than free to.

Leave a comment down below, don't forget to register. In a week or so we will reward a few people with VIP for their opinions/ideas.

Vado, Community Manager

18 replies on “Help Us, To Help You!”

a spotlight you can turn on yourself (only you can see it) so dont lose yourself in big rooms. full of people

[b]Hello Puhekupla.[/b]

I must say that I really like the recent changes, and not least the launch of profiles. I think it is really cool that users have better opportunities to integrate with the site and meet other users this way. I think, however, that the profiles (right now) is a bit limited in terms of opportunities (more [longer] notes, HTML, youtube and such).
I also think, that the "profile-link" should be available every time, a username appears (an example could be the "team"-page).

I have come up with some general ideas for Puhekupla:

- Being able to delete your own comments.
- Profile statistics / toplist (online hours, number of badges and so on)
- Profile polls with user defined options
- News categories
- A link to Habbo Home's in the User info box and beeing able to see if the particular user is online on their country's Habbo.
- VIP smileys

Maybe i can come up with more ideas, but this is the main ones. I hope they can/will be used.

[b][i]- Mikkel aka Origif. [/i][/b]

Thanks for your feedback.

Profiles are only in early stages, we still plan to develop them more however with limited resources at the moment this is quite difficult. YouTube videos will be available for purchase in the future, however they are available to VIP users now.

Profile links will be available everywhere, well, they already are everywhere right now, all except the Team page, however it's already noted to be changed.

Deleting comments on news/guestbooks will be coming soon.
Achievements on profiles are in development. (You'll see ;))
Profile polls is a nice idea, I've noted it down.
I don't believe we need news categories, we recently split Habbo news and Puhekupla blogs up, I think that's all we need.
We are working on integrating Habbo stats with Puhekupla pages (e.g Habbo badges etc.)
I believe there already are VIP smilies?? Not 100% sure.

Thanks :)

- More competitions and create a new rank: Competitions Organizer.

Post competitions regularly rejoice a little the website...

Thanks for your feedback.

I don't believe we need a competitions organiser, as I'm already in charge of that! However I will see what we can do, as I can't do it all by myself :P

We want to find why people like using Puhekupla, and that's what this is for, to see what people use Puhekupla for and how they want to use it, what they'd like to see and if competitions work.

- Habbo Goodies
- More function in User Profile
- Forum (°_°)
- Chatbox
- More Function in the Website


Could you expand on "Habbo Goodies" and more functions on profiles, as well as more functions on the website please?

We would have to see about a forum, if it would be used, and how much of a demand it is. With news comments, it's kind of like a forum anyway, don't you think?

I've noted down the idea of a chat box and it is in development (VIP only)

Considering whenever I look there's more than 100 guests online, I'd guess that a fair few of them would like and use a forum :o I'd use it

New backgrounds for the homes? A new layout would be nice too... But that's it, Puhekupla is just good! :D

We'll be adding more stuff to the profile shop soon :)

I don't believe we need a new layout, this one works just fine, and looks great :)

Thanks for your feedback.

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