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Love Month on Puhekupla


Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm not a poet, so here's my article for you. (It rhymes, okay?)


The smell of flowers, the taste of chocolate, the steamy good time… err.. As absolutely everyone in the history of the world knows February is love month.. so, say hello to Puhekupla love month!

As you can probably tell, I'm in a very good mood, and a generous mood today, so I'm gonna be telling you what's planned for this month. I wouldn't say it's going to be a big month, I'll say it's a very generous size. But it's not how big ..the month is, it's about what you do with it and how you use it.

Keep it G rated, Vado.

- We've released two brand new backgrounds in the shop for you to grab. (AVAILABLE NOW)
- PixelBlitz will be coming back tomorrow, so make sure you check that out.
- Login on Valentines Day (14th of Feb) to collect a cool badge for your profile.
- A very special "what we love" competition.

We might throw in some random stuff a long the way too, so make sure you keep checking back :)

So, the question is - who's your Valentine this month? I know who mine is…

Lots of love xx
Vado, Community Manager

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