Today,'s hotel manager Finfur had a chat with users in a public room.
Here are the most important things he said:
- Pixels aren't coming back.
- Hotel managers can do all kinds of competitions they want.
- The Habbo frontpage news are going to be updated frequently.
- The old news system isn't coming back.
- There are going to be competitions soon..?
And the valentines part:
- FI hotel manager is dating with sayanova, COM.TR manager
- Sayanova were jealous because another habbo pixel-kissed Finfur
- Sayanova and Finfur are having a date tonight and they are going to eat hamburgers in the light of candles :3
Thanks to kivasima and T6767T-vara from, the best Finnish fansite :)
12 replies on “Finfur's meeting”
can i ask, will .com get pixels?
Moi Jeppepulis98
Hi :D
then why there is new pixels furni?
The new furni is just randomly named "pixel". It has nothing to do with the pixel-unit..
I've seen a 'pixel' button on the new Illuminati update, so i'm curious..
Wooow Good Habbo
Probably a ressurection of the old Pixels but then in a temporary currency like nuts and pumpkinx. They probably cant be arsed to create a new currency and add it to their system.
hotel managers in all hotels "dated" today :P
finfur is not hotel manager. finfur is not hotel manager or site producer