Blogs Imported

What We Love


Can you smell those roses? I love them.
Is your life filled with happiness? I love that.
Do you have a cat? I love mine.
Is your boss (Mark) the best boss in the world? I love my boss.

There are things in life that may put you down, and make you feel low, but it's always good to look at the great things in life, and realise exactly what you love about it, and hey, you never know.. something you least expected might have the biggest influence on you overall.

All this week we're celebrating what we love, and we want to hear from you exactly what you love, and why you love it.

Share with us in the form below what you love, and all entries will receive a cool what we love badge for their Puhekupla profile. Hey, I love that.

Some of our fave entries will be shared on Twitter @Puhekupla_com

Deadline for entries is Wednesday 20th of February, so get your entries in quick!

By Vado, Community Manager

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