Imported News

Icons & Trax

Article Update: Camera images are old, therefore have been removed from this article. You can find them in the Camera Article 1 & Camera Article 2

New Icons

New buttons at Trax CD

Buttons codes


22 replies on “Icons & Trax”

About time they started doing the camera!
Maybe they're just scared to release because they know the "underground" side of Habbo (Scripting/Exploiting) already have a tool that can inject any image into the camera... as well as a few other tricks. ;D
- Alex (Shenk).

Camera is old news, you fail hard


The extra buttons are listed as "purchase_buttons" named as catalog_button, rent_button, extend_button and buyout_button.

I fail to see how there is anything about in trax here, apart from the infostand. But i can assure you, this has more to do with the pink coins than trax.. so..

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