Imported News

The Duckets

notifications.text.duckets.received=You received %AMOUNT% duckets!

duckets.upper_limit=650 just earned some <font color="#e38e1e"><b>Duckets</b></font>! Click the Ducket balance to see how you can spend them.

New Catalogus Headers


8 replies on “The Duckets”

So.. duckets.. Just the renamed pixels or something that will be better? Will see.. Like the FX Header xD

[i]"Save your credits, spend your Pixels!" "Buyan effect for Pixels only". (N) [/i]

I like the 'Base' range and I'd actually happily buy it for the Habbo Museum, but I have zero interest in 'rentable' furniture.

Don't like it at all, only useful when you can use them to buy with credits really for extra rare items.

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