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Winners & Finalists Announced


What a huge month we've had here on Puhekupla, so many entries to go through, so many giggles, such fun memories :) We're here today to release the winners of our competitions and also the finalists! Get your voting fingers ready because there's two to vote in!

This is how it's gonna go down.. all competitions are broken down below, so be sure to read each properly to see what needs to be done to continue with that particular comp. Thanks! Can I just say thank you to everyone for entering, it was so good seeing all of your fantastic entries!

We felt the love this month with PixelBlitz, and the finalists are now ready for voting on the PixelBlitz page, so click the button below to go and have a look and vote for your fave. (SCROLL DOWN TO BOTTOM)... winners will be announced 1st of March.

Congrats to (in no particular order)

So many clothes, so little time. All the entries were absolutely fabulous and definitely my style (a lot had the same hair I have now, so thanks for that! :P) ... winners will be announced 1st of March.

Congrats to (in no particular order)
sh3llsh3ll - 1
Luke367 - 2
B@@s.btje - 3
daltron - 4

Here are the finalists for that competition, please USE THE POLL AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS ARTICLE TO VOTE FOR THE CORRESPONDING NUMBER.

At the start of this month we released a very exclusive competition to win VIP on Puhekupla and a special badge. If you didn't see it, you should probably follow us on Twitter @Puhekupla_com

Everyone who entered has scored the special badge!
Congrats to Laurens078 who won VIP.

Thanks to everyone for sharing what they love, as promised everyone will get a special "What we love" badge.

18 replies on “Winners & Finalists Announced”

Yeah, I don't like those shoes too, but voted for him.

And congrats on the VIP Laurens - even though you should have already had it, as you're a legend. And you used to work with Mark. xD

I just hope everyone saying what their votes are, are voting in the right place! Congrats to everyone :)

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