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Puhekupla Donators


Do you love Puhekupla? Would you like to contribute to help with the websites future, and get rewarded by scoring cool features? Read on because have we got an offer for you!

As Puhekupla is expanding, like any other website out there it's always nice to have a little help. We want to make Puhekupla a bigger and better website, we want to take things to a brand new level of the fansite experience. To do that, we've now opened a very special brand new feature to Puhekupla. Ever wanted more out of Puhekupla, more notes, skins, the ability to add YouTube videos and your Tweets to your profile? Well now you can! All with Puhekupla Donators.

Feel important, be important, Puhekupla Donators.

We're offering you the chance to purchase Puhekupla Donator, very similar to VIP, however you get noticed by the community for your donation. Like any website, we want to stay in business and stay running to provide the community with services that no other fansite does, to do that we're now giving you the chance to be apart of it by donating to Puhekupla, mean while you get access to features that wouldn't normally be available to regular users of the website.

Below is a list of features we have available, and what you'll receive once purchasing the donator status.

Special donator tag that show on your comments
Donators badge

Extra user profile stuff:
No ads
Limit of 4 YouTube videos
Limit of 4 notes
Twitter widget
Special Donator backgrounds
Special Donator styles

We have three options available for you.

Gold, which lasts forever*
Silver, which will last one whole year
Bronze, so you can try for a month.
*Until we close the site

So why not give it a try? Help Puhekupla grow, and grow with us. Click the button below to check what it's all about and have fun with your brand new status!

By Vado, Community Manager

19 replies on “Puhekupla Donators”

Nice idea with donators, more privileges could mean more people sign up.. will make a change than seeing hundreds of guests online :')

Just had enough money[small] (on paypal)[/small] for bronze, so bought that, just to show some support (Y)
When other payment methods will appear I will probably buy gold :P

Weren't you just VIP Laurens? (That you won)? O.o

Anyway, finally you added this. And small mistake on the payment page. Your "," should be "." (Ex: 5,00 should be 5.00) ;)

Cheers. Already saw this :)

I had to help mark a month ago with his school paper and he made the same mistake :) will get it fixed up. And yes, about time.

Hmm, i think that money can be spent better than donating for Puhekupla, a site that releases pre-hand views of new furnitures etc. For an exemplae if i would donate money it would be for world hunger or something like that :)

[quote=N17114] If you think that you know where the door is! Don't come back to the site! Simple init!

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