Imported News

New Commands and Events

Some new commands have been found in Build 1983:

landing.view.hckick.body=Don't take this the wrong way, we love it when you visit Habbo rooms. However, our latest creation is for those moments when you just need to clear the path to make everything work in your areas. We've added two commands exclusively for HCs. Type :kick followed by the username (of the person you want to kick) in the rooms where you have kicking permissions. Or :kickall in the rooms that you own, and watch them disappear from your room. Or if you need something more sophisticated, add a Wired Kick User Box to keep your rooms safe from blockers.

landing.view.ducketevents.header=Events are back!
landing.view.ducketevents.body=Event are back - get your rooms seen by your audience once again! It was another big request from Habbos around the world and now we are able to relaunch it thanks to Duckets. Use them to get your rooms promoted in the Navigator and max out your areas!


5 replies on “New Commands and Events”

What the point in :kick lol just click there habbo & kick them thats old. But the wired sounds great!

xD, what if you leave a kick wire and a user enters room on a room, and leave.. You could never get back in LOL! And that same method could also be used to prevent leaving groups

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