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New UI is called HITCH + Information about new CEO of Sulake

Habbo staff gimulnautti revealed, that new UI is now under development. The new HITCH UI (Holistic Interface Technology Consept for Habbo) will replace Illumina. F(@)(@)k.

Gimulnautti also wanted to add the new HITCH screenshots to Habbo Blog, but we have to wait for them for a while.

Also, the new CEO of Sulake is called Antti-Jussi Suominen.

We thank Markku for his leadership during the quarter and wish him all the best for the future. Markku’s role in keeping the company going during the interim period was essential for the business of the firm. Markku’s experience of more than 6 years in the senior management of Sulake allowed him to steer the company through this period of transition resulting in the acquisition of the company by Elisa, Mikael Rönnblad says.

- I am honored to have the opportunity to work for a company like Sulake, and I’m excited by this new operational role at the company. As a previous board member of Sulake I have learned to appreciate the uniqueness of the Sulake user community and will continue the good work that Markku and the team has started in engaging the community in the development and improvement of the Habbo service, Antti-Jussi Suominen thinks.

Vice President of Consumer Services Business of Sulake:
Antti-Jussi will bring to Sulake his expertise and track record of building both mobile and online businesses and services internationally in different parts of the world. He has previously held various senior executive roles in both start-up and corporate environments and brings a wealth of knowledge and a fresh perspective to the development of Sulake business going forward.

Thanks to T6767T and WinterJalmari :)

11 replies on “New UI is called HITCH + Information about new CEO of Sulake”

Since they are working on a new UI again, the blog will be more active then in the past 3/4 months, I guess. I'm wondering what the new UI will looks like...

Does this mean Habbo (actual client) will be available on mobile phones soon? :D

"Antti-Jussi will bring to Sulake his expertise and track record of building both [b]mobile[/b] and online businesses and services internationally in different parts of the world."

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