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New Achievements! [UPD]

Achievements Flying Duckets:


- Renato57 and ,desativaado.

Edit 123http:

easter13_egg_0 - Crackable Egg - Level 1 - Beginner's egg, takes 2,500 taps to crack the prize out.
easter13_egg_3 - Crackable Egg - Level 4 - Only gives out the best prizes and you won't find the top prize anywhere else, 10,000 taps to crack.
easter13_egg_2 - Crackable Egg - Level 3 - All new prizes and some rare, will take some cracking to get there. 10,000 - taps to crack.
easter13_egg_1 - Crackable Egg - Level 2 - Some new surprises! Takes 5,000 taps to crack.

landing.view.easter13pets.body = Chicks and bunnies are back for a week and they've even got some new colours! There's even some new horse dyes too.

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