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Fansite Only LTD Rare


News from Habbo staff today for international websites.

With the release of the Egg Fountain, fansite owners have the ability to give out some LTD Rares for competitions!

We will be hosting several games on Habbo, and we're able to give out a maximum of 10 Egg Fountains for prizes for our loyal members. More about these events very soon posted on our Twitter, Facebook and right here on Puhekupla.

On Wednesday the 3rd of April it will be publicly in the LTD shop for the rest of the Habbo community to purchase.

Stay tuned in for Puhekupla themed competitions to win 10 of these awesome new LTD Rares.

By Vado, Community Manager

11 replies on “Fansite Only LTD Rare”

Could be an april fools, cause i cant find the swf in the furnidata or in their furni file base.

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