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Winners announced: Who's Whose?

All members who have entered the correct answer for who's desk is whose have now received their badge.

Congratulations to Singlish who has exclusively won VIP.

The answers were Desk 1 - Mark & Desk 2 - Vado

Vado, Community Manager



We've recently done some Spring cleaning around the Puhekupla website, but site managers Mark and Vado have taken it to the next level… Spring cleaning IN REAL LIFE.

We've finally cleaned up their desks "irl", and now they're very tidy…but now they're too tidy! Vado and Mark can't tell our desks apart, and keep getting confused with who's whose!

We've got two pictures below, marked with a "1", and a "2". We want you to see if you can work out who is whose desk. To enter this competition, simply fill out the form below, for example "I think 1 is ______'s desk, and 2 is ______'s."

Take a good look at the desks. We've tried not to include anything too identifiable to us..but hey, you guys know us heaps (well, kind of)..

If you guess who's whose, you will receive a ..desk badge. One lucky winner (picked at random) will score VIP to keep.

Competition closes Monday 15th of April. Good luck!

By Vado, Community Manager

14 replies on “Winners announced: Who's Whose?”

[img=] Artículo ya disponible en español. Recordad, tenéis hasta el día [b]15[/b] de [b]abril[/b]. ¡Suerte!

[img=] Article already available in Spanish. Remember, you can enter till [b]15th April[/b]. Good luck!

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