Furni Imported News

Banzai: Rares - Codes


landing.view.banzairares.button=Go to shop

landing.view.banzairares2.body=In the shop for 24 hours only we have some exclusive Battle Banzai Rares available in the shop - give your games that exclusive touch!

landing.view.banzairares.header=Bring out the rares!

landing.view.banzairares.body=This weekend we have some exclusive Battle Banzai Rares available in the shop - give your games that exclusive touch!

landing.view.banzairares.button=Naar de Shop

Banzai Rare


Room Competition

4 replies on “Banzai: Rares - Codes”

Habbo is gone....
Its not yet a game to pimp youre rooms and chill out...
Its an unpayable game thats just full of gamblers...


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