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Site Updates, We Are Hiring & New Assistant Community Manager


Sorry I haven't been active much lately, just a lot of behind the scenes work getting done for you guys to enjoy later, and sadly I had to be out of the public eye for a short time..but now I'm back, and with a lot of news to get to today!

It's that time again, Puhekupla is hiring some news reporters & graphic artists. To apply, read more about this at the bottom of this article.

New Assistant Community Manager

Firstly, I'd like to thank everyone who applied to be my assistant for Puhekupla.. and now I'd like to announce the successful applicant! Congratulations to... LiquefiedFilth! He will now be helping me out with everything within the community! Here's a little bit of info about him:

Hey guys, I'm LiquefiedFilth, but you can call me Joe! I'm from England and I play the .COM hotel. I've been on Habbo far too long but I keep changing my username. I'm, also, the Assistant Community Manager. This means I help out with the running of the site, competitions and events and also throw in some random ideas here and there.

If you want to know more personally about me, I'm a keen actor and a football referee. I'm studying my GCSEs and finding it increasingly difficult, but I'll struggle through it! I also play piano and guitar and I sometimes sing along. I'm running out of info about me, but if you have anymore questions leave a comment on my profile or add me on Habbo!

Updates to Puhekupla

Small update this month, these consisted of the following:

- Old articles and blogs moved (now visible in news)
- Small homepage changes (more blogs, shows last updated time)
- Renamed Other Pages to Puhekupla tab
- Changed official image
- Blue skin added
- New profile shop
- Disabled captcha for guests
- Bugfixes & speed improvements
- Titlebar shows page you are on
- Guestbook reloads automatically when posting comments

If you find any bugs, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Staff Applications

Puhekupla now has available spots in the following positions:
News Reporters - x2
Designer - x1

If you're interested in applying, please send the following information for the desired job to [email protected] with the subject line "JOBTITLE Application"

- Puhekupla username
- Habbo username
- Which hotel you play (e.g .COM)
- The main language you speak
- Do you know English?
- Are you willing to put in 3-4 days work for the website?
- In detail, why do you think you're the perfect person for the job?
- Write an example article of what you may write about on Puhekupla (MUST BE IN ENGLISH)
- Anything else you'd like to add (including graphics etc.)

- Puhekupla username
- Habbo username
- Which hotel you play (e.g .COM)
- The main language you speak
- Do you know English?
- Are you willing to put in 3-4 days work for the website?
- In detail, why do you think you're the perfect person for the job?
- Please include at least 5 graphic images (feel free to send more than 5) that YOU have created (do not steal)
- Anything else you'd like to add (including articles etc.)

Applications will close Wednesday 3rd of May. Good luck!

Well that's about it! Hope you enjoyed this blog post :)

By Vado, Community Manager

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