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Stack magic [UPDATE][VIDEO]

widget.custom.stack.height.text=Place tile and set the stacking height to what you want. You are able to move the magic furni to another location for further customization!
widget.custom.stack.height.title=Custom Stack Height Widget

[\"tile_stackmagic\",\"Stack Magic Tile\",\"Defy the laws of physics stack items by placing them on the tile and setting the stack height! Tile can be reused in other stacks.\"]

Coming soon is the \"Magic Stack Tile\" that the bend in the ditch
replaces and brings additional features

12 replies on “Stack magic [UPDATE][VIDEO]”

At the end of the day the English in the article is either good English from our reporter or part of a code. No bad rubbish in here.

I guess this can be useful for building games. This could possibly open up new ways to build. I however still find the current way of stacking furniture and building kind of representative of what Habbo was in the past. Congratulations though to Habbo for noticing what people actually do and like in Habbo. As long as they don\'t charge more than like 20 credits for this, I am more than willing to buy this \"magic stack tile\".

Stacking now wasn\'t how it was in the past. Before ditches and plates etc it was 4+ rollers aligned into a circle and you had to raise the furni up with z shelves, mode corners, gifts etc then put the next piece of furni under. If you stuffed up you had to do it ALL again. Now it\'s just face a line of rollers into a ditch and let the furni fall on top. I don\'t think anyone does the old method anymore.

Found out that the last sentence is a Google Translate frommy tweet [url=](found here)[/url] Dutch > English

This sounds just like the person who wrote the article for that comic competition. Bull.... -Sconticut

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