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New speech bubbles -update

New images found in Habbo. Check:

Update 16:45 -Thx to Luke367 for share it

29 replies on “New speech bubbles -update”

Wooo first comment, but ok... I find that these speech bubbles are annoying most of the time. However, they can get the attention of other users with the different colors so that is nice. I think they are going to change the whole speech bubble system anyways because of that stacking video.

I like them more then the first speech bubble release... But it does my think about a community for children from the age of 9 ...

I kinda agree with you on this. Although I guess their focusing on customization.

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-> Vía [url=]Habbos[/url]

Speechbubbles are made in 10 minutes. I wonder why there is a donnie santini one in the list though the campaign is over....

stop making this stupid shit and make new clothes. People only buy HC for the clothes and hair.

You can't say that. You don't know everyone who has HC, so you don't know that this is a [b]fact[/b]. :P

I don't like how the speech bubbles moves up and sideways in that video :P What a waste of space in the chat log.

It ends up just covering the whole screen from half way with s peach bubbles speed the time up!

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