Imported News

New Room Layout tool -update1

New tool found in Habbo, you can create new layouts of rooms :)
Floor Map Editor

AbobadoPT and Renato57

Update 10:32 by LiquefiedFilth - Added more information and used screenshots from users.

Thanks to our reporter, Shorty.

Thanks to our reporter, renato57

53 replies on “New Room Layout tool -update1”

It cant be a retro cause he has no credits, plus retros dont have unique features like habbo.
This might be on a dev hotel.

Yeah its been coded, your account has a special perk on it and override variables to make, so you can run :floor command. I think.
Did a bit of research x]

I wish they would tell us how they get to see stuff like this. Or maybe some one can just tell me! Email: [email protected] and tell me how all this is done. :) I would like to test this out and learn it. I don't care if its by retro or what. I want to know how you all test out new features. I have a account on the sandbox hotel, but I could not fig out how to see it.

Isn't fake, it's a build feature currently into listed as "HEIGHTMAP_EDITOR_BETA". Currently in use by Habbo Staff, but if there's enough demand they may find a way to implement it into a user feature.

Abdicators and Myself found this feature on the 27th at 10pm while randomly looking through their client.

As you can see by this screenshot, it was taken on - I tried to post it here on Puhekupla but my reporter privileges have disappeared.

can you send a screen of the link ( ? so we can see of it isn't face :)
(screen whit room)

Whatever, fake or not, this should be implemented or if it already has or will be, this is a fantastic way to go about customization. Love it Habbo. Will take some getting used to though!

This tool is currently for staff only, nobody knows if it'll be enabled for users in the future or not.

I thought there was nothing in the Illumina project was going to be made ​​more? I think it does appear strange that this is in the style Illumina ...

Sorry for bad english I'm Dutch

- Tools-Hotel, Habbo Netherlands

It's currently for staff only at the moment, if they approve it for users then the interface will become much more simple to use.

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