Imported News

Release 63 - Build 2223

Habbo has updated today, with new settings for your room, you can now update your room with speech bubble settings.

- Make the chat free flow, or line by line
- Width as wide, normal or thin
- Chat speed fast, normal or slow

More skin-tone colours..
Habbo has added more skin tone colours to the pallet.. now people can really be smurfs!

Only updates I'm aware of for now, more might come later.

8 replies on “Release 63 - Build 2223”

wow diff skin tones. something that could've been added since the beginning of habbo. we've come a long way guys! -_-

The title of the tab in room settings has been renamed now. See it [url=]here[/url]

The chat settings are gone probably because the Staff gave the norms a few of the colored speech bubbles. About damn time norms get something!

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