Imported News

A day in the life of a Habbo Moderator

illumina style Habbo moderators.. - 123http

13 replies on “A day in the life of a Habbo Moderator”

I thought all mods were imported chinese people.

Think they just hired normal people for one day.

I loved how everyone looked busy replying to tickets but we never get them for 1/2 months down the line!
Training must be really shocking cuz they can\'t do their job correct, Get banned/muted for anything.
I didn\'t know habbo had all them staff in one place most got few from the streets.
They didn\'t really show us what a mod does they showed how to report members crap video!

I think they just used their own staff to make the video look \"nice.\" Moderation hasn\'t been improved at all!!

Lots of bullsh*t to show to the outside world how Habbo Moderators are doing their job and keeping the community as safe as possible, all staged. Development of the tools over the years, sure the tools have been improved but the Moderators became worse. Really wondering how it would look like if they made this video 3/4 years ago.

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Lies.. those are community staff, marketing managers, and software engineers. All the MODs of the main hotels are outsourced to save money and efficiency with dual lingual staff members eg. Concentrix.

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