Furni Imported News

New Codes

Pirate campaign


[pirate_bottles_1,Glass Bottle 1,Classic ship in a bottle]
[pirate_bottles_2,Glass Bottle 2,the hand]
[pirate_bottles_3,Glass Bottle 3,poof!]
[pirate_bottles_4,Glass Bottle 4,you are here…]
[pirate_bottles_5,Glass Bottle 5,car in a bottle?]
[pirate_bottles_6,Glass Bottle 6,someone is online]
[pirate_bottles_8,Glass Bottle 8,so that\'s where the camera went]
[pirate_bottles_7,Glass Bottle 7,duck in a bottle.]
[pirate_bottles_9,Glass Bottle 9,so they can\'t come back]
[pirate_bottles_10,Glass Bottle 10,painimies ball!]
[pirate_gate,Gate,let your crew aboard]
[pirate_chest1,Treasure chest,Precious loot inside]
[pirate_cannon,Pirate Cannon,blast them out of the room!]
[pirate_rack2,Gun rack,make them dance]
[pirate_anchor,Anchor,Drop when you see land]
[pirate_roombg,Pirate Room Background,Beware of pirates]
[pirate_mast2grp,Group Lower Sail,catch the wind]
[pirate_plank,Plank,to the sharks with you!]
[pirate_stairs,Stair Block,step up]
[pirate_parrot,Pirate Talking Parrot,ask me a question]
[pirate_dvdrs2,Ship Edging 2,don\'t fall overboard]
[pirate_masts1,Lower Mast,raise the sails]
[pirate_masts2,Basic Lower Sail,catch the wind]
[pirate_masts3,Basic Upper Sail,catch the wind]
[pirate_cannonballs,Pile o\' Balls,Iron balls of destruction!]
[pirate_grate,Grate,for holding prisoners]
[pirate_mast4,Crows Nest,Keep a lookout]
[pirate_barrel2,Orange barrel Helps avoid scurvy]
[pirate_rack1,Sword rack,grab a sword]
[pirate_mast3grp,Group Upper Sail,catch the wind]
[pirate_dvdrs1,Ship Edging 1,don\'t fall overboard]
[pirate_dvdrs3,Ship Edging 3,don\'t fall overboard]
[pirate_barrel1,Stackable barrels,BARRELS!!]
[pirate_flag,Pirate Flag,pirate\'s pride]
[pirate_mast4grp,Group Crows Nest,Keep a lookout]
[pirate_stage,Stage,build it tall]
[pirate_crate,Crate,what could be inside?]

4 replies on “New Codes”

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