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Puhekupla is back - for good

So, over the past few months Puhekupla has been through quite a lot. We thought we were going to have to go into closure, due to certain people in the community wanting to take us down.. but I am here today, to tell you that we are back - for good.

I\'d like to personally thank everyone who purchased VIP in this tough time, as this really did help us more than you can imagine.

What we\'re trying to do now, is make Puhekupla better for the long run, as you all know Puhekupla is the main source for all furni updates, which is what we will be focusing on mainly from now on. You can count on us to get all of your latest furni and Habbo news first, before anyone else.

Focusing on just Habbo news though, doesn\'t and won\'t take away from the community aspect of the website, however it won\'t be a main priority anymore. We may focus on this more in the future once we\'ve properly gotten back on our feet.

We\'ve hired 2 new reporters, desativaado.ban and Funkyhabbo to bring you the latest Habbo news all around the world. We also have a new graphic designer Bauke, who has already been doing work for us (mainly on our Puhekupla Twitter)

We want feedback! Good and bad. If you don\'t like something about the website let us know, and we will try and fix it. If you have any suggestions on how we can do something better, let us know and we will try to implement it the best we can. We accept all feedback as it helps the website build.

Looking forward to hearing your feedback :)

Hope you all have a good day!

By Vado, Community Manager

10 replies on “Puhekupla is back - for good”

The site is witch new functions and in the mobile site we can\'t even comment or change it language. Also is pretty bad/slow see one badge or furni per page.

I don\'t think there is anything [i]you[/i] can do directly with this, but Puhekupla is quite late these last couple of months with \"new/upcoming\"-features/texts/graphics/campaigns etc, in my opinion. I know back in the days you came to Puhekupla and really saw good written news articles with new stuff found and when you looked on other fansites they didn\'t have these articles or if they did they always had the source coming from here, which made me a regular visitor of Puhekupla in the first place. Anyway the \"You can count on us to get all of your latest furni and Habbo news first, before anyone else.\" is what Puhekupla is about and it really once was the place for this. Good luck with the site, really appreciate the effort you, Mark, desativaado.ban as a reporter and all the other people are doing.

Ok, I also want to say that search the history of a collection takes too much time because Puhekupla don\'t has a central page for furniture collection history containing all the data like headers, badges, teasers icons, top story or web promo, room background, etc. What changed on x version, that special room or function that no one remember. Resuming, a book with all the Habbo history.

This is a good article, let us work together to savor it.
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