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new codes at sea! That\'s what happens when you play with Pirates! were hit by a cannonball! to %ROOMNAME%
notification.mysterybox.error.unexpected.message=Something went wrong. Please, re-login and try to open the box again.
notification.mysterybox.error.already_opened.guest.message=This box will close again (and contain a new prize) when the owner completes the next daily quest chain..
notification.mysterybox.error.title=Mystery Box
notification.mysterybox.error.already_unlocked.guest.message=Go find another un-opened box of the same color.
notification.mysterybox.error.no_key.message=Get the key by completing daily quest chain.
notification.mysterybox.error.inactive.guest.message=Owner of this box must complete daily quest chain to activate it. Room Notification
notification.mysterybox.error.inactive.owner.message=Activate this box by completing daily quest chain.
notification.mysterybox.error.wrong_key.message=Go find box with the same color as your key. You can check key color from the little \"Mystery Box\" widget at the right side of the screen. from room! You\'ve just got a new room \"%ROOMNAME%\". Click on a link below to go there.
notification.mysterybox.error.already_opened.owner.message=This box will close again (and contain a new prize) when you complete the next daily quest chain..

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