Update by desativaado.ban:
(*) Codes, names and descriptions:
Code: pirate_navdesk
Name: pirate_navdesk name
Description: pirate_navdesk desc
Code: pirate_kraken
Name: Kraken
Description: Release the Kraken!
Code: pirate_poseidon
Name: Poseidon Statue
Description: Feel the wrath of the god of the sea!
landing.view.pirateraresb.conf=title,landing.view.piraterares.title;caption,landing.view.piraterares.header;bodytext,landing.view.piraterares.body;spacing,2;customtimer,false,0,0,landing.view.raretimer.timer,landing.view.raretimer.timer.expired,2013-08-28 16:01;catalogbutton,landing.view.checkitout.button,pirate_rares
landing.view.pirateraresc.conf=title,landing.view.piraterares.title;caption,landing.view.piraterares.header;bodytext,landing.view.piraterares.body;spacing,2;customtimer,false,0,0,landing.view.raretimer.timer,landing.view.raretimer.timer.expired,2013-08-30 16:01;catalogbutton,landing.view.checkitout.button,pirate_rares
landing.view.pirateraresa.conf=title,landing.view.piraterares.title;caption,landing.view.piraterares.header;bodytext,landing.view.piraterares.body;spacing,2;customtimer,false,0,0,landing.view.raretimer.timer,landing.view.raretimer.timer.expired,2013-08-26 16:01;catalogbutton,landing.view.checkitout.button,pirate_rares
30 replies on “3 new furni found - update”
is the top one a pet? o.O?
its a rare thats gonna be released on aug 26 (today)
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al igual que tu habbos es una mierda solo son enchufadsos que ienen granos son gordos y no tienen vida sociable habbo happy son emjroes y onhabbo es unanapadaaaaaaaaaaa y todas ls web fanes bye el nenoteh de 9 anoth que teh ganah en toooh!
Y ésto viene a cuento acá? Vayan a esas webs a decirlo, par de imbéciles.
why didnt i get the badge
is there even one lol
No, there isn\'t one LOL
cuz there isnt any lmao
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