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Interview with powertoo! [UPDATE]

(HEART) Newness:

* Furniture for Habboween are in development;
* The staff .beeches. left to Staff Habbo;
* New plans for the users;
* New campaigns;
* New competitions and activities;
* Habboween is coming soon;
* Next week, newness about the new game S.O.S Zombies (too there futures badges for this game) and telephrase;
* We\'ll also have fansites doing an event together later in the month;
* The team that is working for the game Fireworks vs Aliens, did not send any updates to Sulake yet;
* Currently, they are working to change the User Interface;
* Doesn\'t exist confirmed date for release new looks;
* Powertoo will ask designers to draw furniture Mall Center, maybe will make a competition with it;
* The team of developers are working on new designs (index, configuration profile, /me, ...);
* There not newness about the game Permia Duels (Seepia Games);
* If one day she could change a few things, she would like to bring to hotel: lots vip visits, change furni design competitions [...];
* About the new design (client): Not confirmed date, but they are working on it a lot at the moment. Hopefully soon!

(*) Owner of the interview: desativaado.ban
(DIAMOND) Participant: gabriele0288
(C) Invited: powertoo

Meeting to ubergergely: new communication tool will be developed (30/09)

17 replies on “Interview with powertoo! [UPDATE]”

Hmm... Not been on this site in a while, but I thought it had translators...? What kind of English is this article written in?

In the left corner of the layout you\'ll see a flag, click on the arrow next it to change the language from the site.

Those S.O.S rooms have already been in Finnish hotel almost a year ago. In first room you have to make your way to the teleporter before you get kicked by other users, in second you have to get over a lake full of sharks so that you don\'t get next to a shark. Otherwise: kicked. In the last room you have to get in the other side of the room before Zombie Bots eat your brain (get next to you)

You\'re welcome :D

The S.O.S competition has also been in the Danish hotel with the same challenges. I thought this was on all hotels :P

We\'ve already had the S.O.S rooms in .com a few months ago, so this isn\'t really anything new :P I hope the Staff aren\'t going to reuse the same rooms again |-)

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