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ANNOUNCEMENT - Farewell Vado

Hiya! For one last time

Since starting at Puhekupla on the 21st of December 2010, I've had the privilege to work with some really amazing people, and an amazing user base. I started as a designer, making sure articles looked good and neat, as well as working on random designs for the site. I then moved up into the community manager position, which I absolutely love doing as it gave me a chance to really get in touch with our loyal users, interact with them and get feedback about what they really wanted.

Each month I also hosted a graphic design competition called PixelBlitz, which gave our lovely community a chance to show their skills and create some really great graphics. Being a designer myself, it was really fun to see all of the different designs you all came up with! Helping introduce the Puhekupla homepages was probably the greatest experience for me, as I got to have a lot of input into how it looked, what would be available and especially what the users wanted. We were really able to make something for our members that they would appreciate and use every day on our website.

We've done a lot as a community and built Puhekupla up into a really great site. I've been around for almost 3 years now, and I honestly send a massive good luck to the site for the next 3 years, with your new community manager LiquefiedFilth.

I really hope you've enjoyed my work, it's been so fun getting to know each and every one of you, and I look forward to seeing you soon!

- Vado

13 replies on “ANNOUNCEMENT - Farewell Vado”

Aww :( I\'ve been visiting this page for almost a year but only registered last week. I really, really, really love this page. Vado became part of my Habbo life and I, or we, can see that he did best in this site, and other sites as well. Whatever Vado\'s reason to leave, it\'s because for his own good. Wish you all the best Vado :) Thanks for being in my virtual life :)

[b]Today marks a very sad day in Puhekupla\'s life.[/b] A community manager that quite literally gave his all to the website and proved how much of a key part of the team he was every day. I\'ve used Puhekupla since day one and I can say I\'ve never seen the site more active than the days when Vado was working on competitions and events every single day. I was lucky to enough to become assistant to him and can safely say I was looked after from day one. He taught me how to write and speak to the general community, taught me the advanced features of all the staff panel etc and even made sure I was good enough at graphics (which I can safely say I\'ve improved massively). It\'s such a shame we\'ve lost such a vital member of the team and the community and I wish Josh the best of luck in his life as he\'s got a lot going for him. Thank you, mate, for taking me under your wing too. Good luck, we\'ll [u]all[/u] miss you.

So sad to see you go :( You\'ve really done a lot for this site and the community as well. Whatever plans you have for the future, I wish you the best of luck! Thank you for being a great manager and a Habbo friend! <3 :)

Why is my Habbo in your farewell image...? I doubt we consider ourselves friends anymore after this whole HS incident.

It\'s about time some more responsible and not so self-centered people manage this site.

I trust that Puhekupla will be back alive again! (Y)

Mweh sad to see you go :(
Thank you, for everything you did for Puhekupla. Me, Mark, and I\'m sure alot of other people really appreciate all the work you did these last three years [i](time goes by fast....)[/i] Good luck for whatever you\'re gonna do in the future, and make sure to keep contact :)

Farewell Vado o/

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