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Invitation to participate in game making!

"The game company Sulake is searching for young people between 11-25 years of age interested in games development living in the metropolitan area to take part in games development project. The project will last about 4 months. The project will get you to help us finish a new game creation and help us test it! There are no requirements however the important thing is that you are enthusiastic and creative.

The project will require about 2-3 hours of time per month. Some of the contacts are managed, for example, through e-mail or WhatsApp, but we can also arrange interviews. The candidates selected will be creative and resourceful young people and given an honourable mention for their participation. You will gain accumulate valuable experience and get an official certificate of attendance, which can be useful later on, for example looking for a job in the gaming industry.

Instructions for the applicant: Fill the fields carefully. Questions and inquiries can be directed to the project leader: [email protected]."

Translation made quickly,
Thanks for Help: Jaxd

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