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Can moderators finally speak?

When was the last time you saw a MOD speak, eh?

It seems this restriction that has been in place for the last few years now may finally be lifted, allowing user to mod communication of what's going on in the hotel and any problems the user has to explain. Is this good? Well they won't be as robotic anymore, let's just hope they don't spend all their time speaking to us and keep an eye on the job!

Have you got any sightings? Link us in the comments.

7 replies on “Can moderators finally speak?”

I had a conversation with MOD-OWASHI a few days ago so I'm guessing they are allowed to speak now :) which is really cool cuz i want them to get more involved with the community :)
- Anonymous

Just need to be careful with it as many people will just feed them so much bullsh*t. Let's hope they're also intelligent as well as able to speak.

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